Oscam priority (nice)

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    • Oscam priority (nice)

      Recenly I've made a test using tree versions of Oscam svn 4736,6801 an 7180 this
      to be shure that the results are not influenced by a version specific behaviour !!!
      The test purpose was to enhace the CPU usage under Spark using Oscam as EMU !
      the key of this study was the nice parameter from oscam.conf.
      Nice means the system priority application is running at ... -20 is the highest ! and
      19 is lowest ... so if oscam is running at lowest priority he give the appligation and
      the system generally much resources ... the result a better application response time
      that means ... shorter zapping ! So try this ... in oscam.conf :
      nice = 19

      The highest idle time we have ... the highest available resources we have !!!

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