How to delete providers

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    • How to delete providers

      Hi, I want to delete unused providers in OpenWebIF for satellite, but this isn't possible. I also tried DreamboxEDIT, but I still see the unwanted providers in the bouquets of OpenWebIF.
      How to change this?
    • You are only able to delete satellites and bouqets. You also can delete channels in bouquets.
      But it isn't possible to delete channels in satellits-list and all lists, or provider.

      So create one or more bouqetslists. And do only work in this lists.

      Achtung: Kein Support über private Nachrichten!

      TV - Hisense Ulra HD
      Eutelsat 13°E und Astra 19,2°E Unicable-Matrix mit Wide-LNB

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