Issues with HDF 6.1 image on DM900 using XionHDF skin

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  • Issues with HDF 6.1 image on DM900 using XionHDF skin

    Hello all,
    ​I like very much the HDF image. Many features, nice skin, IPTV support. Great work, thank you very much HDF team!! :thx:
    ​Though during normal usage I got several times the blue screen on my DM900. At the beginning it was equipped with a dual S2 tunner, now I am using the hybrid tuner. This is not relevant, errors appeared lately as well.

    Issues I saw so far:
    - If I am trying to ​setup full HD resolution on XionHDF skin, the receiver will not boot correctly, stuck somewhere, black screen (incl LCD receiver screen)... Single option is to reflash the firmware and upload last saved settings. Didn't check this bug in last releases though, saw this happened two times, enough for me. I stick on default resol skin (first parameter on plugin XionHDF skin page)
    ​- In certain cases, after I open the bouquets view and try to switch to satellite view from favorites bouquets, I got the blue screen. This happened also sometimes when I tried to switch from IPTV service to satellites view (view channel list after that green button -> blue screen).

    I would like to get rid of these errors and help for a better HDF image. ​Don't know where to upload the crash logs, I may PM a dropbox link to one of the moderators or I should put the link here?

    Please advise.
  • I will check the 2 points with my own dm900.
    You can upload the crash inside "Advanced Answer". There is a tab called "file attached".
    Meine Bastelboxen: Mut@nt HD51 | GB Quad 4K | Mut@nt HD60 | OSMIO4K | HIS 4k Combo+

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  • I have checked both points and cannot found any issue. Flashed is the latest build with all updates.
    FullHD Skin is working. A little bit slow, but this is an issue with latest driver from DMM.
    I have also switched many times between favorites and satellites view without any problem.
    Can you upload the crashlog? But first update the box to latest build and try again.
    Meine Bastelboxen: Mut@nt HD51 | GB Quad 4K | Mut@nt HD60 | OSMIO4K | HIS 4k Combo+

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  • Hi,
    Blue screen happens also with the last build. Now I can't do any scan. This is new...
    Don't remember if the blue screen happens when I switch from favorites to satellites with the last build though.
    I put on dropbox all crash logs I got so far:
    I will check if any issue with Full HD skin tomorrow, didn't check this issue with the latest builds...
  • I have the hybrid tuner. A1 as DVB-S2, A2 as DVB-C. 2 cables connected, on ports 1 and 3. On A1 there is a diseqc switch with a fixed antenna on port A and a mobile one on port B, diseq 1.2. No DVB-T. on port 3 is the coax for DVB-C.

    Bug happens one time when I was on a sat channel (tuner A1) and I tried to change tuner mode on A1 from DVB-S2 to DVB-T.

    With previous builds I could make manual scan.

    Manual scanning bug happens whatever you are on tuner A1 or A2.

    Not sure if you need all info from settings, I copy/paste the ones related to tuner here: tuner.txt?dl=0

    Something else needed?

    Btw, I don't see any button to attach files from my desktop. I see only a link button for url or email links. Useless since I can copy/paste the link directly in the posting message.

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von xyzzyx ()

  • You can switch to advanced mode (to the right from send) if you answer. There is a button to attached files.
    Meine Bastelboxen: Mut@nt HD51 | GB Quad 4K | Mut@nt HD60 | OSMIO4K | HIS 4k Combo+

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  • Hi,
    ok, finally I see the download button. :)

    I am attaching other log with new crashes. Besides the manual scan issue, it crashes again when I tried to switch from bouquets to satellites. Thought this was solved.

    New crash appeared when I used edit bouquets on DM900. I start the edit mode. I removed (by mistake) the channel which I am watching at that moment. I cancelled the edit mode, tried to switch to satellites to find the channel I just deleted. And blue screen...

    ​Also I noticed a minor bug in bouquets move mode. The numbering of the channels are shifting 1 position down starting with the position where was the channel I moved. Numbering overwrite the markers as well. Numbering goes back to normal once I go out of edit mode. I am using normal channels numbers (not that option which start from "1" on each bouquet).

    ​There are way too many issues, the scanning bug is the most annoying so far. At least is good DM900 reboot very fast.

    ​Let me know your thoughts. Will be there soon an another hdf build which may solve these bugs?

    • other logs.rar

      (216,91 kB, 259 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
  • From my point of view, there is a problem with your channelsettings:
    service/servicedvb.cpp:193 getName eStaticServiceDVBBouquetInformation::getName failed.. getBouquet failed!
    I think you don't have this problem with a fresh flash install and new channellist without old settings.

    I have tried many times to switch from bouquet to favoritest and back without crash.
    I have als tried to move channels, delete channels and delete bouquets without crash.
    Meine Bastelboxen: Mut@nt HD51 | GB Quad 4K | Mut@nt HD60 | OSMIO4K | HIS 4k Combo+

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  • Not sure which is the issue. Will try to use a simple 1 bouquet and see if I can perform any scan.

    Today I tried to find the USB mount partition. I don't find sym link to usb or media/usb. How are usb mounted? The hdd menu shows the usb but can't do too much. Only the network mount shows me the USB and looks I can mount it. But USB is local, why to use net mount?? There is no simple way to access an USB on this image?

    And a noob question: What is the flashing green light that appear on below InfoBar in the right bellow corner? Looks like a recording light but is green. Tried to stop but without success, don't think is recording or timeshift. Whatever, I get rid of it by rebooting the box.
  • This is the status indicator for waiting updates. Do you have activated this?
    With default flash, this option is deacivated.
    You can find the option inside software update setting, but at default this is deactived.

    Are you sure that you are started with a fresh flash?
    Meine Bastelboxen: Mut@nt HD51 | GB Quad 4K | Mut@nt HD60 | OSMIO4K | HIS 4k Combo+

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  • Not sure what you asked. Updates are enabled, even put to run overnight. I am running all the time flash upgrade over IP + restore settings from HDD.

    But I found the reason for my problem: in tuner settings, at a certain moment I played around on tuner A1 settings and somehow I saved it as DVB-C.
    I could get around with 188 version which doesn't crash when I enter tuner settings or any other submenu from service searching. Thus I could revert to DVB-S2 on tuner A1.
    Whatever, I solved this annoying manual scanning bug. Possible the wrong tuner settings is the cause for bouquets->satellites menu.

    ​All good so far, besides the minor bugs I told above and are not yet addressed.

    ​Also for USB use, which is the default mounting place/procedure?
  • xyzzyx schrieb:

    Not sure what you asked. Updates are enabled, even put to run overnight.
    I mean the flashing green light in the infobar. This shows you that are some updates available.
    Update are not automatically installed. This is only a little message to you.
    Meine Bastelboxen: Mut@nt HD51 | GB Quad 4K | Mut@nt HD60 | OSMIO4K | HIS 4k Combo+

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  • Thanks, I see. Usually there are 1-2 updates available when I am visiting the extension management page which I can't download for some reasons...

    All USB-device you can found in /media.

    There is no USB mounted.

    Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/root 960.4M 204.7M 690.1M 23% /
    devtmpfs 491.6M 4.0K 491.6M 0% /dev
    tmpfs 64.0K 0 64.0K 0% /media
    tmpfs 499.6M 3.9M 495.8M 1% /var/volatile
    /dev/sda1 475.8G 12.1G 463.7G 3% /media/hdd

    I put it in the front USB port, USB from the back side - nothing. Assume some libraries are missing from the build.

    root@dm900:/# cd media
    root@dm900:/media# ls
    autofs hdd net

    ​After 1 test with an another image, revert back to hdf and now USB appeared installed. Probably it needs a full power off/power on.
    ​Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/root 960.4M 204.6M 690.2M 23% /
    devtmpfs 491.6M 4.0K 491.6M 0% /dev
    tmpfs 64.0K 0 64.0K 0% /media
    tmpfs 499.6M 464.0K 499.2M 0% /var/volatile
    /dev/sda1 475.8G 12.1G 463.7G 3% /media/hdd
    /dev/sdb1 29.2G 43.9M 29.1G 0% /media/usb
    // 29.2G 43.9M 29.1G 0% /media/autofs/UsbDM900

    Issue solved, finally all good.

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von xyzzyx ()

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