Descrambling multiple services with Formuler F3 CI+ 1.3 CAM-1670 Viaccess 060A00

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    • Descrambling multiple services with Formuler F3 CI+ 1.3 CAM-1670 Viaccess 060A00

      Hi! I need some help to find out if it's even possible to continually watch 2 different encrypted channels with my current setup, which is right below.
      Formuler F3 with Smit CI+ 1.3 CAM-1670 and Viaccess 060A00 card.

      I can watch and stream and/or record one encrypted channel as long as I want - no problem.
      But then I tried to stream one encrypted channel while watching another: the 1st channel worked less than an hour before image froze on a screen, while the 2nd continued to stream without any problems.
      Later tried some different orders: 1st stream 2nd zap, or zap to FTA and stream 2 encrypted, but problem remained - 1st channel to be descrambled will die in less than an hour.
      Also tried to zap to 1st encrypted channel, then stream 2nd and 3rd - this time 1st channel died right when 3rd was started, and 2nd died as always in less than an hour, leaving only 3rd streaming all alone.
      Searched all available settings, tried to change some most interesting - didn't help.
      I tried OpenPLI and OpenATV as well, still nothing changes.

      Finally while trying one more time to see any useful settings - found suspicious string in CI+ Info: Content Key Lifetime: 3600s
      Experimentally I confirmed my guess that it's exactly CI+ tricks - the longest time I can watch two channels is right 1 hour, then descrambling of the 1st channel stops.

      Can anybody tell if there is a way to make CI+ continue descrambling 1st channel after an hour without stopping?
      Because it's strange that it's possible to do it at least an hour, if "those" guys didn't want me to watch 2 channels they would just do the same trick that happens when I try to watch 3 channels - the 1st one insta dies.

      Or maybe someone will confirm that there is nothing that can be done in this case and one channel is all I have.
      Any thoughts will be much appreciated.

      P.S. Here is what official CI Plus Specification docs says about that suspicious line.

      Content Key Lifetime
      The maximum key lifetime parameter is controlled by the CA system, which is out of scope of this specification. The countdown from this value is maintained by the CICAM which triggers the CCK refresh process.
      The countdown proceeds ONLY whilst the CICAM is scrambling content. This ensures that the Content Key is not
      recalculated when it is not being used.

      Can't tell if this text is enough answer for me, I'm still hoping that someone has a more rousing one.
    • Googgi schrieb:

      Which card is it?

      If you mean which provider's card is it-
      They are going to switch to dvb-s2 last of their dvb-s transponders, so my non-mpeg4 card will be soon useless, it's marked for a replacement and will be disabled in June by ntvplus.

      I bought their mpeg4-set, which could be either receiver or CI+ module and their Viaccess smartcard.
      I could buy cam-module or receiver myself, but it should be from their recommended list and they would only send me card after I tell them serial number of my hardware and they lock my new card to that serial number before sending it to me.

      Here is the list of "recommended", better called "only-allowed", hardware:
      Recommended hardware
      NTV-PLUS 1 HD VA
      NEOTION CAM CI+ 1.3 MV
      Sagemcom DSI74 HD
      Opentech OHS1740V
      Sagemcom DSI87 HD
      CI+ CAM Viaccess
      HUMAX VAHD-3100S
      Sagemcom DSI87-1 HD
      HUMAX VA-5SD
      Humax VHDR-3000S
      HUMAX VA-4SD

      So that's how and why I got Smit CI+ 1.3 and Viaccess 060A00 hardware-set from them.

      Googgi schrieb:

      Is this card not running with oscam?

      I tried to use it with oscam, it initializes without any problems, that's how I found out it's provid is 060A00, but card doesn't want to give any keys. I guess it's paired/locked with that CI+ ntvplus gave me.

      Maybe I should do some additional configuration in OScam to make that 060A00 card work, but I fear it's locked to work only with that CI+ module.

      P.S. I have one more ntvplus Viaccess 050100 card which works perfectly in OScam, i can watch and stream 2 channels without any problems with it. But it's mpeg2 only. And soon will be disabled, as I told before.

      So the question really is how to make CI+ module generate that nasty 3600s/1hour Content Key for two channels contiually without stopping descrambling any of them.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von ikanffy ()

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