XMLTVimport problem with EPG from IPTV channels?

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  • XMLTVimport problem with EPG from IPTV channels?

    I need some help from you guys to setup xmltviport plugin or iptv bouquet.I am running Vu+Zero with hdf 5.3 image.I must say that you made a great job with this image!
    My problem is with epg on iptv channels.When I use crossepg I have epg from this channels

    this is my iptv bouquet


    1. #NAME IPTV
    2. #SERVICE 1:0:1:2969:6A:1F5:FFFF0000:0:0:0:http%3a// - **TV SLO 1 HD:**TV SLO 1 HD
    4. #SERVICE 1:0:1:296A:6A:1F5:FFFF0000:0:0:0:http%3a// - **TV SLO2 HD:**TV SLO2 HD
    6. #SERVICE 1:0:1:9:2:1:FFFF0000:0:0:0:http%3a// - **Planet TV HD:**Planet TV HD
    7. #DESCRIPTION **Planet TV HD
    8. #SERVICE 1:0:16:14:4:22C1:EEEE0000:0:0:0:http%3a// - **POP TV HD:**POP TV HD
    10. #SERVICE 1:0:1:3209:80:1F5:FFFF0000:0:0:0:http%3a// - **Kanal A HD:**Kanal A HD
    11. #DESCRIPTION **Kanal A HD
    12. #SERVICE 1:0:1:2A99:6D:1F5:FFFF0000:0:0:0:http%3a// - **National Geographic HD
    Alles anzeigen

    but sometimes the time when movie or show is ended is not correct!So I like to try xmltvimport but no epg on this channels.I am update rytec sources and when I select slovenia.xml the update starting and about 15800 events is loaded but when I look at bouquet only few epg is loaded in channels list.
    I use the same rytec sources like in crossepg but with xmltv epg not working.
    Can anyone know how I can fix this? :/

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von barracuda ()

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