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    • livestreamsrv

      Hi guys!!!My question to you.I have a problem with livestreamsrv...


      1. [b] SPARK7162:~# opkg install livestreamer
      2. Package livestreamer (1.11.1) installed in root is up to date.
      3. SPARK7162:~# opkg install livestreamersv
      4. Package livestreamersv (0.3r0) installed in root is up to date.
      5. SPARK7162:~# livestreamersrv manualstart
      6. -sh: livestreamersrv: not found
      7. SPARK7162:~# [/b]

      Hw can i fix it?Thx in advance!!! :)
    • Have you looked, if livestreamersrv was installed anywhere on your system?

      In telnet:

      find / -name livestreamersrv

      It might have been installed in a directory not in your path environment variable. Then the solution can be as easy as calling livestreamsrv with the whole path included:

      /path/to/livestreamersrv manualstart

      Also check, that there is no typo. In your message, I read once the spelling:


      and once

    • Hi many thx 4 ur reply!

      find: /autofs/sde3: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sdf2: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sdg1: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sda6: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sdb5: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sdc4: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sdd3: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sde2: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sdf1: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sda5: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sdb4: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sdc3: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sdd2: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sde1: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sda4: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sdb3: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sdc2: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sdd1: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sda3: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sdb2: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sdc1: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sda2: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sdb1: No such file or directory
      find: /autofs/sda1: No such file or directory

      What do u think about it?
    • Looks, like instead of

      livestreamersrv manualstart

      you should type

      /etc/init.d/livestreamersrv manualstart

      However, normal start commands of /etc/init.d scripts would typically be called like

      /etc/init.d/livestreamersrv start

      Maybe, you have misunderstood some documentation? Note, that I have no idea of this livestreamersrv, it is just guessing.

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