Atemio4you Airplayer für Android

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    • Atemio4you Airplayer für Android

      Atemio4You Airplayer for Android


      Only for Atemio Receiver

      Dear friends,

      we are really excited to present our mobile player for Android! This player is optimized for both phones and tablet, for local and remote streaming.
      Here the full features list:

      - Easy to use UI
      - Live streaming
      - IPTV streaming
      - EPG with grid view
      - Embedded player
      - Support for external players
      - Transcoder support
      - H.264 Hardware accelerator support
      - Records management (add, edit, delete)
      - Add records, tv zap, or stream directly from EPG
      - Virtual RCU
      - Automatic STB discovery and configuration
      - Automatic transcoder management
      - Automatic detect if you’re in your LAN or not
      - Automatic channels icon generation
      - Download channels icon from box

      iOS version coming soon!


      * What is the the DynDNS address?
      It's the hostname associated to your public IP address. There are many free services online who offer this function. You can use DynDNS as well as any other similar service. Pick the one you wish.

      * How does the app handle the IP Address and the DynDNS address?
      The app uses your wifi name (SSID) to recognize if you are in your receiver's same network or not. If you're in the same network, the ip address will be used, otherwise the DynDNS address will be used.

      * How should I configure my router for stream over internet?
      You need to forward the port 80 and 8001 to the ip address of your receiver.

      * What is the transcoder?
      The transcoder is a feature who re-encode your video stream directly to your receiver. The transcoded video is more lightweighted and good for the streaming over internet.

      * How may i know if my box has a transcoder?
      The transcoder is only available on Atemio Nemesis

      * How does the app choose to use or not to use the transcoder?
      Transcoded video is good for streaming over Internet. Therefore, the app uses the normal streaming if you're in the same network of the receiver, otherwise it uses the transcoder. Please check the FAQ “How does the app handle the IP Address and the DynDNS address?” for LAN/Internet recognition rules.

      * How can i force normal or transcoded streaming?
      Keep pressed the channel name in TV view, an action menu will appear.

      * May i stream over internet without a transcoder?
      Streaming over internet without a transcoder requires a lot of bandwidth. In most of the cases it won't work.

      * How can i browser my bouquets in a vertical list view?
      Press the selected bouquet name inside the bouquet selector. A popup with a vertical list of bouquets will be showed.

      * Why is the video choppy and the app doesn't play it well?
      Maybe you have a compatibility issue with the app and your hardware. Please inform us about what device you have, what version of android and what channels cause issues. In the meantime you can configure the app to work with an external player. Please check the FAQ “May I use my preferred media player for video streaming?”

      * May I use my preferred media player for video streaming?
      Yes. You can set it inside the menu “Settings” → “Global options” → “Default player”.

      * Why does the app give a connection error or always tries to use DynDNS address?
      The app uses your wifi name (SSID) to recognize if you're in the same network of your receiver or not. If this value is setted to a different wifi or to “None” the app will always use the “DynDNS” address. If you have a wifi extender (or multiple wifi SSID) please check the FAQ “How I can handle multiple wifi name (SSID) or wifi extenders?”

      * How I can handle multiple wifi name (SSID) or wifi extenders?
      At the moment the app only handles 1 wifi ssid per single box profile. We'll improve it in a future release. For the moment you can create two different profiles. One for the LAN and another one for internet.

      * Why can't I connect to my box from internet?
      Please check these FAQs: “How does the app handle the IP Address and the DynDNS address?” and “How should I configure my router for stream over internet?”

      * Why can't I stream from internet?
      There are many reasons for that. Please first check if your box has a transcoder (see the FAQ “How may i know if my box has a transcoder?“). If you don't know what a transcoder is please check the FAQ “What is the transcoder?”. If you don't have the transcoder, you can't stream from internet (see the FAQ “May i stream over internet without a transcoder?”). If you have the transcoder, please check “How does the app choose to use or not the transcoder?” and also “How should I configure my router for stream over internet?”

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