New Image Pkt V4.5 For Spark Sti7111

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    • New Image Pkt V4.5 For Spark Sti7111

      Hello all
      New Post For New Pkt V4.5 For Spark Sti7111

      PKT SVN-3072 HYPERION v4.5 Image
      Added by PKT:
      [ALL] fix cam start at startup tuner
      [XPEEDLX] Add Correction time in deepstandby
      [ALL] fix scrollbar
      [SH4] add new WiFi Driver Manager
      - restart GUI is required to detect WLAN stick on main network setup
      - all drivers directly from GIT should be supported
      - 'try driver' can be selected only when all driver is inactive
      - eth0 is automatically up when 'disable driver' is selected
      [ARIVA] fix vfd plugin
      [ariva] GS fix on ledREC
      [SH4] samba update and 2GB fix
      [sh4] fix samba setup if IPV6 in kernel is enabled
      [sh4] update rtmpdump and librtmp for IPTV Player
      [sh4] eplayer image in NOR 32MB optimalization
      [SH4] SyncTime - fix update script
      [mips] fix tuxtxt encoding
      [sh4] Removed CrossEPG from image - now only on feed
      [sh4] add Remote Manager
      [sh4] add mount by LABEL in HDD Manager
      [spark] fix multiboot
      [UFS910] fix networking restart
      [MIPS] fix start/stop/restart emu on standby
      [MIPS] fix NetworkBrowser on sf8
      [MIPS] add hbbtv indicator on Silver & Red skin
      [ALL] fix detecting network interface and code optimization
      [SH4] fix esi cooler standby
      [MIPS] Shoutcast update
      [all] add Memory Cleaner
      [MIPS] fix Channel Control
      [MIPS] fix GS on InpuDevice
      [all] add NTFS to HDD Manager and ntfs-3g support
      [MIPS] fix Start DLNA server
      [MIPS] fix time correct on xpeedlx1
      [MIPS] fix showing CPU clock
      [ALL] add IPTV Player optimalisation
      [CUBEREVO] fix BootPlus
      [SH4] disable clear cache for UFS910
      [MIPS] add missing renderer for better skins compatibility
      [SH4] add UFS913
      [ALL] fix manual backup restore
      [MIPS] add mising files for LCD4Linux
      [ALL] many other bugfixes not included in this changelog
      Special THX to TDT, OpenPLI, OE-alliance and all betatesters.
      FTP login: root, passwd: pkteam

      Flash image

      edit by googgi: Link (sendspace) deleted because of virus warning!

      USB image

      edit by googgi: Link (sendspace) deleted because of virus warning!

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von Googgi ()

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