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    • Neutrino3-MP-martii-FFTeam-24-​09-2014-Sogno-revolution-Pingu​lux-Plus-GM990-Sab-Amiko1-7111​-Receiver

      - FFTeamplugins zugefügt - hierüber werden dann alle Erweiterungen zu beziehen sein, nach und nach verschwindet alles aus dem image
      - Kernel 216 image
      - Git MP:…fddf6d92a325874cae?page=1
      - Git libstb-hal:…517628621a7d6504a3?page=1
      - Git buildsystem:…71713ea8274baaaa84?page=1

      Download: bitte-drück-mich-liebevoll

      nach Installation kein Bild
      LÖSUNG : über Menu --> 2 Service --> rot Tuner Einstellungen --> rot Tuner Einstellungen --> 3 Auswal Satellit --> suchen nach Astra 1KR/1L/1M/2C (19.2E) und auf ein stellen --> 5 X Exit = Bild da.

      update ist verfügbar

      Menü > Service >aktualisierung >rote taste

      - mytvpro geht,
      - ard mediathek geht
      - mp4 laufen ohne abbrüche bei sämtlichen Dateien wo es Probleme gab bei einzelnen usern mit alten dbox2 Aufnahmen
      - auf blaue Taste > ffteamplugins - neue Sachen - für lua Basispaket einmalig zu installieren, weitere neuere Version (ersten Punkte installieren), neue oscam + oscamemu etc mit schutz vor Pairing
      - ffmpeg Version 2.4.2 von Gitstand gestern
      - busybox 23
      - sowie etliches mehr

      Dank an ALLE die mithelfen, besonders genannt Martii, Schufti, Drstoned, Rgmviper,Shanti u.s.w.
      1x Triplex alter Sattuner + dvb-C/T --- 2x Triplex neuer Sattuner + Dvb-C/T2 --- LX 2 1 Sat+ Dvb-C/T2 --- 4x Dbox1 --- 2x Pace --- 1x GM990 reloaded 1x Pingulux (alte)
    • starz schrieb:

      And turkish language pls?:)

      If you want to translate the english or german locale file to turkish, it is possible to add turkish language. ;)
      Please post your results at !
      Greetz von DrStoned :D :D :D

      Golden Media TripleX | Amiko Alien 2 | Dreambox DM7025SS | Dbox2 Nokia SAT AVIA 500 mit 64 MB RAM, HDD 100GB im Wechselrahmen, CF-Kartenslot, USB-Schnittstelle und Multicam |
      Datenspeicher für alle Receiver: Synology DS212j über NFS

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von DrStoned ()

    • Thanks for a updated image.
      Seems like the moviebrowser don´t find the recorded files on the connected USB harddisk thats been used on the previous neutrino image. If I record something it will be like the first recording on the harddisk which it ain´t?? Strange!

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von chaoscreator ()

    • I did do the Neutrino mp update as recomended but it did not have any effect on this Moviebrowser problem. Still i only can see the recordings i have made with this neutrino image not the old recordings i made with the earlier and that still are on the harddrive (did check it by connecting the harddrive to Etrayz NAS. I´m using a 2,5" USB harddrive that is connected to the usb on the backpanel of the receiver.
    • Your old recording are most probably named as for example film.001.ts. Rename them to film.ts and they'll run. If this still doesn't help, delete the associated film.xml file and try again.
      Greetz von DrStoned :D :D :D

      Golden Media TripleX | Amiko Alien 2 | Dreambox DM7025SS | Dbox2 Nokia SAT AVIA 500 mit 64 MB RAM, HDD 100GB im Wechselrahmen, CF-Kartenslot, USB-Schnittstelle und Multicam |
      Datenspeicher für alle Receiver: Synology DS212j über NFS
    • chaoscreator schrieb:

      I did do the Neutrino mp update as recomended but it did not have any effect on this Moviebrowser problem. Still i only can see the recordings i have made with this neutrino image not the old recordings i made with the earlier and that still are on the harddrive (did check it by connecting the harddrive to Etrayz NAS. I´m using a 2,5" USB harddrive that is connected to the usb on the backpanel of the receiver.

      The problem why the old recordings are not shown with this version of the neutrino image is that the old version did save the recordings in a folder that is named MOVIES. In this image version a new folder is created on the dardisk with the name AUFNAME and there are the new recordings placed. I use English language as main language in the image.

      Was this ment to be changed in the image when the old hiearchy on the harddisk was fully functional and there was no need of any change in my opinon.
    • Thomas66 schrieb:

      installiere einfach image neu

      ODER lösche in var/tuxbox/config neutrino.conf

      reboot fertig

      Thank you.
      Another way to get the old recordings visible is to go to MAIN MENU=>SETTINGS=>MEDIA=>MOVIEBROWSER=>PATHS and add a ADDITIONAL PATH (/media/sda1/movies) and change USE DIRECTORY to YES.
      Now you can find this path in MAIN MENU=>MEDIA=>MOVIEBROWSER by pressing the GREEN button (filter:/media/sda1/aufnahme) change this filter path to filter:/media/sda1/movies/ and when you go back to aufnahme you change it the same way.
    • no

      weil ich die Pfade innerhalb neutrino geändert hatte
      deshalb neues Update nutzen -dann klappt es ohne fummelei

      menü > service >aktualisierung > rote taste (red taste) warten bis ok unten rechts steht

      menü taste drücken das alle einträge aunwählbar sind
      alle lua....opk entfernen
      nun basis lua installieren
      1x Triplex alter Sattuner + dvb-C/T --- 2x Triplex neuer Sattuner + Dvb-C/T2 --- LX 2 1 Sat+ Dvb-C/T2 --- 4x Dbox1 --- 2x Pace --- 1x GM990 reloaded 1x Pingulux (alte)

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