keine zwei-Kanal-Signal

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    • keine zwei-Kanal-Signal

      Hustler TV kein Signal und ->12722 H tp 119 DVB-S2 8PSK SR 22000 FEC 3/4 Astra 19.2 austria edition SNR <->AGC 0%
      Kanalliste aktualisiert.
      Bitte, ich brauche jemand mit mir, meine Einstellungen zu bestätigen. (ein Freund hat kein Problem mit dieser Kanäle hat einen weiteren Antennenkonfiguration.)
      meine Einstellungen:

      Tuner Einstellungen:

      A. TUNER Motors.

      B. TUNER zweiten LNB-Kabel-Tuner.

      C. DVB-T2
      (TWIN LNB auch wert zu vergleichen).


      Hustler TV no ​​signal and -> 12722 H tp 119 DVB-S2 8PSK SR 22000 FEC 3/4 Astra 19.2
      Friend LX-3 and other settings tuner has no problems. Signal has.
      Please, I need someone with me to confirm my settings.(Channel list updated)..

      my settings:


      Tuner settings:

      A. TUNER engine.rotor positioner.

      B. TUNER second LNB cable tuner.

      C. DVB-T2
      (TWIN LNB also would be worth comparing)

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 6 mal editiert, zuletzt von fogonero ()

    • By the way, Do you use a Quattro or a Quad LNB? Quattro LNB would need a multiswitch too…
      What about your tuner settings, do you actually really use a rotary system??

      If not, select “simple tuner configuration” for each tuner
      Deactivate diseque, select astra 19°, universal LNB and this should be it…

      I do have a different setup, unicable reception here… But the frequencies and so on are identically

      Regards stefan
    • if everything is tested, my engine tuner can work in the way I want to, no problem., the second lnb cable, I have my second tuner B. configured LNB and second cable to be the tuner A Who move the rotor. multiswith other outlets are home to other receivers.

      PD.-there is another problem, which I have not read anyone here with it and is that back button reset switch (reboot), I lost the second tuner B (it is configured as a second LNB cable) ...

      I would like to verify that I have a specific problem rather than drivers.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von fogonero ()

    • Actually I don’t understand clearly what your problem is, but can confirm that my tuner D lost two times its configuration.
      It was not vanished, but miss configured as single tuner instead of unicable reception with connection to tuner C…
      Remarked this during a recording attempt, suddenly there was a timer conflict. I’m not completely sure whether this is maybe a unwanted side effect by updating HDF, a driver issue, or more a problem of the tuner itself.

      Regards stefan

      Edit: Sorry for asking again, this is yet not clear for me…

      So you do have a rotating dish and it’s motor is controlled by the LX3 throughout diseque commands from tuner A via rotor antenna menue?
      So you do have full reception with tuner A, longitude and latitude values etc. seems to be correct .
      So far OK??

      In your rotating dish sits a Quattro LNB which feeds a multiswitch?
      One outlet of the multiswitch is connected to tuner A and works perfect?

      This sounds so far reasonable, but if now another outlet of the multiswitch, feeded by the LNB in the rotating Dish, is connected to tuner B, how shall it be controlled? The very least seems to be to use the settings for a rotary antenna, as used for tuner A, other whiles the dish may be directed to a wrong satellite position. This way you could simultaneously view / record streams of 2 different layers (lowband H/ lowband V/Highband H / Highband V) of the same satellite. Of course a possible recording via tuner A will be interrupted if tuner B starts to reposition the dish to a different satellite position.

      I’m sure this is a misunderstanding of your posting, sorry in advance, but if not this does not make much sense (to me). Exception: you’re planning to receive different layers simultaneously of the same satellite via one rotating dish, than configure tuner B the same way as Tuner A is configured… Does this make some sense??

      Regards stefan

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von stefan4u ()

    • danke stefan4u für die Pflege
      alles die Schuld Antenne oder LNB, ich habe aus noch zu finden.
      das Problem hat mich verwirrt war, dass alle zusammenfiel mit dem Kauf und der Installation der lx-3.


      all the fault antenna or LNB, I have to find out yet.
      the problem has confused me was that all coincided with the purchase and installation of the lx-3.

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