ipkg - Packet manager for Azbox by mastu

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    • ipkg - Packet manager for Azbox by mastu

      Hi, guys

      Sorry can't wtite in German.

      I successfully compiled and installed ipkg - package manager on Azbox, now you can install any soft from repo ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/oleg/cross/stable/

      1. Choose root folder on hard disk and create opt dir there


      1. mkdir -p /DATA/usb1/sda3/opt

      mount it on /opt it will be mounted every system startup


      1. mount -o bind /DATA/usb1/sda3/opt /opt

      2. Copy ipkg_set.tar.gz to some temp folder on azbox by ftp, /root is ok, cd to /root and untar ipkg_set.tar.gz


      1. tar xzf ipkg_set.tar.gz
      2. ls
      3. S90UserScripts ipkg.conf once.sh* rcS*
      4. ipkg-cl* ipkg_set.tar.gz rcK*

      3. Edit S90UserScripts you have to change ROOT_OPT to your location

      for me it


      4. Lanch once.sh


      1. ./once.sh

      5. Lanch ipkg-cl


      1. ./ipkg-cl update

      6. Check ipkg work with repo


      1. ./ipkg-cl list

      you should se packets list

      7. Install ipkg from repo


      1. ./ipkg-cl install ipkg-opt

      ipkg and uclibc sould be installed

      8. Forget ipkg-cl , now use only ipkg
      9. Power off/on box

      You are all set now

      10. Examples

      try ipkg without arguments for help


      1. ipkg update
      2. ipkg list

      for packages list


      1. ipkg install mc

      installs Midnight Commander

      Also ich habs ausprobiert und es funktioniert..

      Quelle: MyAzbox Forum
      Download in der Database
      MfG henrylicious
      Ich gebe keine Auskünfte über PN, alle Fragen sollen bitte im Forum gestellt werden!!

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