neutrino-mp-7162-byFFTeam, 19-6-2013: test and feedback...

    • neutrino-mp-7162-byFFTeam, 19-6-2013: test and feedback...

      Since I managed to mess up my installation somehow and since Thomas posted this one, I presumed this is urgent... So, let's test quickly, before I have to leave...

      Download it from here:…ryFileDownload&fileID=235 > called enigma2-7162-19-6-2013

      Before I start let me say that it is confusing to keep putting "enigma2" into the name of a Neutrino file... That, in my opinion, should be dropped, as it is both confusing and I think a bit confused! Not helpful to newbies!

      Installed the usual way for Amiko recs 7111/7162: enigma2 folder on USB stick and put the 2 files from the compressed file enigma2-7162-19-6-2013 into that folder. Amiko rec switched off, USB stick in and then press OK button and switch it on at the back. When one sees FORC press > button, then OK again. Wait.

      1) MENU > 1) Einstellungen > 6) Sprache > English. When exiting always see if you can SAVE SETTINGS first!

      2) I only have HB 13E at the moment, so MENU > 2 > blue button (Delete all channels) > Confrm (YES) > 1) Delete removed channels > SOFT restart.

      3) MENU > 2) Service > red button (Service scan) > Bouquet to "erase old" > Setup tuner > Tuner 2 to "Unused", as I only have 1 right now > Setu tuner 1 to "Master".

      4) Press 3 to select satellites > HotBird 13E > OK to activate

      5) Exit button several times to SERVICE menu > green button to choose Satellite > make sure it is not the default satllite, if you do not have only Astra 19E but the one(s) you need to scan (HB in my case) > EXIT to Service scan and choose 4) Reset channel numbers (if you are doing a different satellite than the default one, like I did) > green button to START SCAN. It showed me 98 TPs to scan. I think there are a few more but OK, we'll sort it out later...

      (A NOTE:

      While this is going on let me repeat that the remote control unit (RCU from now on) should be better mapped, when one is in the menus! Please, map the < and > buttons around the OK button to move the cursor/choice on the screen for a whole page or from top to bottom and vice versa. That should speed up installation process!

      Also, the same thing while one is in the channels list. The < button to go towards earlier entries (towards the beginning of the list) and the > button in the opposite direction.


      6) When it was finished the tuner found 0 channels. NIchts! Zero! Nula! Niente! Zip! TRANSPONDER SCAN FAILED! Ain't this embarrassing?!?

      Manual frequency scan (with correct details) returned the same crappy result: Transponder scan failed! Loads of good signal (77& and 75% SNR), like in the first scan! But nothing to show for it... What the hell? How can you mess it up so much and so badly? Signal is there, correctly chosen parameters and yet...

      Auto-Scan multiple Satellites (on the list is HotBird and the setting is "ON") returns the same old, glorious result. I give up...

      6a) In other flavours of Neutrino this is going without any problems. What is wrong with this one? What needless complication has been brought into this one, so many of us keep warning of this and yet nothing has been done?!?

      6b) C'mon, guys, get your arses in gear and sort this one out! It's the ABC, the very basics. How can you expect anyone to keep using your product when at the very start they get stuck?!? Nuts! Just not serious! Sorry but this has to be said, if only to kick your butts into action finally!!!

      I will stop here and revert back to NHD2 by DBoxOldie, where these things work just fine and invest my time towards feedback of more interesting things than satellite scan...

      P.S. May I wonder why hasn't Neutrino's basic graphics design change significantly since the beginning? It could really do with some perking up... And maybe re-think the structure of the menu, too...

      P.P.S. Also, we need to add the straight-from-the-net-installation of plugins, emus, tools, keys, picons, epg, settings lists and so on... This is sorely lacking!

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