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  • Vorstellung: Amiko Viper 4k

    mihaip - - Amiko Viper 4k


    Huawei - HiSilicon Hi3798MV200

  • If you choose from menu ... "Recovery from Network" the factory image OpenATV 6.2 will be restored !!!

  • Vorstellung: Amiko Viper 4k

    mihaip - - Amiko Viper 4k


    A small error ... the chipset is not ... BCM3798MV200 ! 20190707171517.jpg

  • Ok ! I'll do it ! bye !

  • ... the end !

  • ... the end !

  • Reminder !

    mihaip - - Neutrino


    I remind the backup/restore procedure : - before upgrade make a full settings backup - upgrade Neutrino ... e.g. using plugin e2upgrade from Spark - reboot and make first settings then using FTP move the backup archive from PC to Neutrino in /tmp - restore the settings from /tmp

  • Overclocking Mara / Odin M7

    mihaip - - Mara M7 / Class M


    Dont use overclocking on OpenATV 4.0 ... chipset is overheating and becomes unstabile !

  • New BPanher Neutrino image

    mihaip - - Neutrino


    New image from BPanther ....

  • BPanther Neutrino-MP for Spark 7111

    mihaip - - Neutrino


    Sorry ! my mistake ! Neutrino MP BPanther !!! On BPanther's forum is called MultiTunner as well as version 2.0 !!

  • BPanther Neutrino-MP for Spark 7111

    mihaip - - Neutrino


    New version ( 31.01.2014 ) of Neutrino HD2 BPanther !!! - solved RC issues To upgrade first is recommended to save all settings ... to do this you have two options : 1) insert a "ext2/ext3" formatted stick , reboot to ensure mounting and perform "save all settings" then upgrade Neutrino partition with the new image ... after restart ... reinsert backup stick and request "restore all settings" 2) insert a FAT32 formatted stick ... save all settings into /hdd ... copy using FTP client ... /hdd/bac…

  • BPanther Neutrino-MP for Spark 7111

    mihaip - - Neutrino


    The perfect RC key repeat delay is 250 ms !!! just enter Menu-System settings-Key setup and set both values to 250 ms ! fast enough with no false repeats ! the new setting become effective after "reboot" !!! @nandy --- you can install in Spark the plugin "e2upgrade" witch allows you to upgrade the enigma2/neutrino partition in a fast and safe way !!! just put the /enigma2 folder containing the two image files ... on a memory stick .... insert it and ... start the plugin ... start the OSD ... cho…

  • BPanther Neutrino-MP for Spark 7111

    mihaip - - Neutrino


    New version for BPanther Neutrino !!! first ... make from the menu a total backup of running image settings ... then upgrade and restore the settings from the memory stick !!! P.S. The image has some problems with the RC ... is repeating a pressed button even if you are pressing for a very short time !!! need to be worked !

  • Overclocking Mara / Odin M7

    mihaip - - Mara M7 / Class M


    Overclocking M7 EVO HD ===================== This procedure consists of raising the processor clock horologe from 500 MHz to 750 MHz ! Obviously this will result in a better reaction speed great but ... and possible instability! I have not noticed yet ... but could be there ... may be related to higher temperatures in the summer! This procedure affects Mara and Enigma2 as well !!! yvw0.png Method! method is simple ... variants 1 or 2 go to 750 MHz on M7 EVO ! Variant 3 returns to the original fr…

  • BPanther Neutrino-MP for Spark 7111

    mihaip - - Neutrino


    In Spark and Enigma2 there is a profile file ( lircd ) witch describes the alternates RCU ! probably they dont have the same thing for Neutrino BPanther !!! anyway is just an exception ! buy a new RC ...

  • BPanther Neutrino-MP for Spark 7111

    mihaip - - Neutrino


    3to7.jpg My test is on ... Amiko Alien1 !!!! using this RC ! ... so ...

  • BPanther Neutrino-MP for Spark 7111

    mihaip - - Neutrino


    First the external media ( usb stick or hdd ) must be phisical connected ... then from Main_menu - Settings - Hard_Drive/USB must be mounted ... e.g. at /mnt/hdd then we can play ... q479.jpg file play the mounted media ... browse ... dccy.jpg playing a movie file ( mkv ) j8r3.jpg ... or we can use WebTV ... and it works !!! rf2l.jpg ... or we can browse for a picture ... dzak.jpg ... or we can see a show using Youtube player ... and it works !! yhso.jpg ... in my case ... theese are satisfactor…

  • BPanther Neutrino-MP for Spark 7111

    mihaip - - Neutrino


    What's missing in Netrino2 comparing with Enigma2 ... - no alternate skins - no user plugins - less multithreading but better stability !!! - off course no application server downloads What's definitely better ... - better zapping - better image and sound - better upgrade support witch include automatic user settings restore

  • BPanther Neutrino-MP for Spark 7111

    mihaip - - Neutrino


    In the atachement you have the most popular emulators ! just unpack the archives and move /var into image ! then change attributes to the executables in /var/emu to 755 !!! then edit oscam.server or cccam.list acordingly to your needs and activate EMU from the menu ... as "client" !!! that's all ! iuo5.jpg

  • BPanther Neutrino-MP for Spark 7111

    mihaip - - Neutrino


    Started from curiosity ... my Neutrino BPanther test proven to be a very pleasant surprize ! - the image is small ( ~ 18 Mb ) - boot time is small ( ~ 30 sec ) - drivers quality excelent - the standard skin is a pleasant one - the zapping is better than Spark or Enigma2 - emulators compatibility is excelent : Oscam and MgCamd !!! - overall stability exceptional !!! Just install the image ! you'll become a fan ! ( as atachements you have the latest BPanther image and the settings editor )…

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