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  • Engineer Khan's Backup

    nandy007 - - Mod-Images


    Hi How can I install it as an Enigma2 image?Thanx in advance

  • ET9x00] ET9x00-HDF-Teamimage-openHDF-884

    nandy007 - - ET 9x00


    Wovon kann Ich diese Image unterladen?Danke im voraus

  • Sky Plugin

    nandy007 - - Edision argus pingulux


    Ich habe Edision Argus drauf installiert.Sky Plugin geht oder nicht mit diese Image?Wie soll Ich den Plugin flashen?Danke im voraus

  • Dreamset

    nandy007 - - Neutrino


    Hi again.I am in Dreamset but I don't know how to move var in my Top Box Plz help!Thx a lot!

  • Connecting to my receiver

    nandy007 - - Neutrino


    Hi.How can I connect to my receiver.I installed Sat Channel List Editor but I dont know how to use it.How can I get my IP adress?Thanx in advance!

  • Geburtstag

    nandy007 - - Forum News


    Alles gute zum Geburtstag!

  • Favoriten Liste

    nandy007 - - Tools


    Ein bischen zu kompliziert für eine so Einfache Sache Welche Taste kann das machen?

  • Favoriten Liste

    nandy007 - - Mod-Images


    Hallo Wie kann Ich meine eigene Favoriten Sender Liste machen?Danke im voraus

  • Dreamset

    nandy007 - - Tools


    I tried to find out my IP adress in Enigma but nothing.It's ok if I connect my laptop to my Enigma box?That way it will be easier to find out my box IP.Sorry for my ideas but I'm a beginner in that field

  • Dreamset

    nandy007 - - Tools


    I have GM Spark Reloaded.Dreamset works with this sat receiver?If it works then say what should I do?How do I connect to receiver?The internet cable is between GMSpark and my router.Now I put it my PC and then?I have to do something because on cccam crashes very often,every 30 seconds... :(Please help.Thanx a lot

  • Dreamset

    nandy007 - - Tools


    I have downloaded the editor but I haven't used one before.Is there a problem if you give me a hint?

  • Software

    nandy007 - - Tools


    Hi.Where can I find Dreamset and Dogsettings?It's in the image?Thanx in advance

  • How to use a Setting-Editor for Enigma?

    nandy007 - - Tools


    Hi and thanx for the image.It's great,too bad that crashes quite often.How can I save the channels and make my own favourite list?Thanx in advance

  • XBMC

    nandy007 - - Neutrino


    Hallo!Es gibt eine möglichkeit XBMC zu installieren?Ein Plugin oder so was.Ich meine für MP Marti...Danke im voraus

  • PKT Hyperion

    nandy007 - - E2-Allgemeines


    Hallo Ich habe ein GM Spark Reloaded und Neutrino als image.Es lohnt sich zu wechseln von Neutrino zu PKT Hyperion ?Kann Ich mehr Sender sehen?Ich meine mehr als nur FTA Sender WLAN funktioniert?Ich habe ein Ralink V 2.3... Danke im voraus

  • Image

    nandy007 - - Neutrino


    What you mean by moving / var to image?I should copy this in Enigma folder?

  • CAM

    nandy007 - - Neutrino


    Hi again! How can I activate CAMS?Could you give me a path please?Nothing special until now

  • Neutrino BPanther

    nandy007 - - Neutrino


    Is there a problem if I copy again that image on USB along with those CAMS...?

  • BPanther install succeeded

    nandy007 - - Neutrino


    HI I'm very happy that I've finally succeeded to install this new image!Now I've deleted the image from the USB stick and copyed the two cams.I've mounted the USB stick with those CAMS on it but nothing.I don't see a good change actually I miss those channels I could see with the previous image and when I go in Extras I can't set the settings as you said.I have only WLAN and it's not set yet.Is that a problem?Thanx in advance

  • Hi I've tried to install this image on my GM Spark Reloaded but nothing.I've tried from USB Stick and nothing then I've tried to upgrade from USB being already on Spark.What's wrong?Please help me!I'm Neutrino fan!Thanx in advance!

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