AAF Titan flash image for UFS910

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    • Well ... I had one week of tests ... some conclusions !
      - Titan ufs910 inherits the basic Enigma2 ufs910 problem ... a poor tunner driver
      so poor that a lot of HD channels cannot be tunned ! ( Sky IT, Polsat, C+Thor )
      - the image is fast ... faster then any other Enigma2 on ufs910
      - the support server is satisfactory if you are using swap !
      - the image is "as is" but who like this STB ... will like it !
      - I dont like Netrino ! who like it ? beeing just a test platform ... so Titan
      is a good Enigma2 alternative ! faster but not automaticaly better !
      For me last week was an interesting one ! I like it ... but is over ! I dont expect more
      from Titan on this receiver !

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von mihaip ()

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