Zugriffsrechte Vergabe an der 800 und USB-Stick. Wie?

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    • Zugriffsrechte Vergabe an der 800 und USB-Stick. Wie?

      Ich habe noch eine Frage. Die Giga wird auf meinem Mac im Netzwerk angezeigt. Ebenso der 32GB Usb Stick. Ich kann auch anzeigen lassen was auf dem Stick ist. Aber Löschen und Kopieren wird mir mit Zugriffsrechte verweigert. Ich habe nicht die richtigen Zugriffsrechte. Wo kann ich die Rechte einstellen? Auf meinem Mac geht es nicht. Kann mir jemand erklären wie das geht?

      Gruß und danke.
    • Moin henrylicious, als root bin ich so oder so angemeldet. Das funktioniert aber nicht. Heute noch probiert. In dem etc Ordner habe ich keinen Sambaordner sondern die smb.conf direkt im etc ordner. Welche Freigaben müssten da rein? Oder soll ich die conf hier mal einstellen.

      Gruß Jochen
    • henrylicious, ich nutze das Image vom Team red vom 27.10.2011. Die Samba.config sieht so aus:

      ; Configuration file for the Samba software suite.
      ; ============================================================================
      ; For the format of this file and comprehensive descriptions of all the
      ; configuration option, please refer to the man page for smb.conf(5).
      ; The following configuration should suit most systems for basic usage and
      ; initial testing. It gives all clients access to their home directories and
      ; allows access to all printers specified in /etc/printcap.

      ; BEGIN required configuration

      ; Parameters inside the required configuration block should not be altered.
      ; They may be changed at any time by upgrades or other automated processes.
      ; Site-specific customizations will only be preserved if they are done
      ; outside this block. If you choose to make customizations, it is your
      ; own responsibility to verify that they work correctly with the supported
      ; configuration tools.

      debug pid = yes
      log level = 1
      server string = Mac OS X

      printcap name = cups
      printing = cups

      encrypt passwords = yes
      use spnego = yes

      passdb backend = odsam

      idmap domains = default
      idmap config default: default = yes
      idmap config default: backend = odsam
      idmap alloc backend = odsam
      idmap negative cache time = 5

      map to guest = Bad User
      guest account = nobody

      unix charset = UTF-8
      display charset = UTF-8
      dos charset = 437

      vfs objects = notify_kqueue,darwinacl,darwin_streams

      ; Don't become a master browser unless absolutely necessary.
      os level = 2
      domain master = no

      ; For performance reasons, set the transmit buffer size
      ; to the maximum and enable sendfile support.
      max xmit = 131072
      use sendfile = yes

      mangled names = no
      stat cache = no
      wide links = no

      ; The darwin_streams module gives us named streams support.
      stream support = yes
      ea support = yes

      ; Enable locking coherency with AFP.
      darwin_streams:brlm = yes

      ; Core files are invariably disabled system-wide, but attempting to
      ; dump core will trigger a crash report, so we still want to try.
      enable core files = yes

      ; Filter inaccessible shares from the browse list.
      com.apple:filter shares by access = yes

      ; Check in with PAM to enforce SACL access policy.
      obey pam restrictions = yes

      ; Make sure that we resolve unqualified names as NetBIOS before DNS.
      name resolve order = lmhosts wins bcast host

      ; Pull in system-wide preference settings. These are managed
      ; by smb-sync-preferences.
      include = /var/db/smb.conf

      ; Pull in system share configuration. These are managed
      ; by smb-sync-shares.
      include = /var/db/samba/smb.shares

      comment = All Printers
      path = /tmp
      printable = yes
      guest ok = no
      create mode = 0700
      writeable = no
      browseable = no

      ; Site-specific parameters can be added below this comment.
      ; END required configuration.

      Grüsse Jochen

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