Server of HDF v6.4 Image / Server des HDF V6.4 -Bildes

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    • Server of HDF v6.4 Image / Server des HDF V6.4 -Bildes

      Server of HDF v6.4 Image / Server des HDF V6.4 -Bildes
      Hi Master of HDF,
      I have just bought a Xtrend ET7100v2 and would like to install Streamlinkserver. But sadly, the server is down for maintenance for quite a while now.
      Please tell me if there is any other way I could install it? Or could the server be switch-on as soon as possible?
      Thank you

      Google Translate:
      Server des HDF V6.4 -Bildes
      Hallo Meister von HDF,
      Ich habe gerade einen Xtrend ET7100V2 gekauft und möchte StreamlinkServer installieren. Leider ist der Server seit einiger Zeit für die Wartung ausgefallen.
      Bitte sagen Sie mir, ob ich es irgendeine Möglichkeit gibt, es zu installieren. Oder könnte der Server so schnell wie möglich eingeschaltet sein?
    • cricriat schrieb:

      Hi @bumperbee, this:…
      is the last Image for ET7100 and you see it is really old (EOL (End of life))
      and is not being worked on anymore.

      Only thing you can do is to test if streamlinkserver of other images and versions
      will run on your box.
      Hi Cricriat, thank you for your reply.
      Are you saying Streamlinkserver will not work in other images also?
    • Mit OpenATV 7.4 funktioniert streamlink ohne Probleme !

      Läßt sich über das verwendete feed nachinstallieren .
      Spoiler anzeigen
      Spoiler anzeigen

      oder du kaufst dir mal eine neue Box die auch von HDF 7.3 unterstützt wird , ^^
      :!: kein Support per PN (Fragen bitte ins Forum) :!:

      :arrow: Bitte füllt euer Profil aus (Box und Image) ,das erleichtert es zu helfen

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Box8000 ()

    • Hi Box8000 & Cricriat,
      Thank you so much for all your valuable information.
      Are you all Masters suggesting as per below,
      1. Flash with Atv image
      2. Install Streamlinkserver plugin
      3. Extract ‘Streamlinkserver’ from folder: \root\usr\lib\enigma2\python\Plugins\Extensions
      4. Flash with Hdf image
      5. Copy the extracted folder from Atv image and paste to the same folder as in Atv image to Hdf
    • As far as i know : the OpenATV 7.4 is based on Python 3
      your old 6.4 HDF Image is based on Python 2.
      That will not fit !
      :!: kein Support per PN (Fragen bitte ins Forum) :!:

      :arrow: Bitte füllt euer Profil aus (Box und Image) ,das erleichtert es zu helfen
    • Besides what Box8000 was saying, I believe the 5 steps are wrong. In my old image (HDF 6.4) , streamlinkserver components are installed in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/streamlink and the actual server (which is a python script) in /usr/sbin. (Maybe I missed some links, and part of the steps are correct anyway).

      streamlinkserver must be started at startup. In my image this is done by placing a symbolic links and also symbolic links in /etc/rc3.d and /etc/rc4.d: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 Jan 1 1970 /etc/rc3.d/S50streamlinksrv -> /usr/sbin/streamlinksrv. I also have another symbolic lin in in /etc/init.d. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 Jan 1 1970 streamlinksrv -> /usr/sbin/streamlinksrv

      Looks rather complicated, to get this set up without a feed.
    • Thank you very much to All Masters in replying,
      @MASTER Buers:
      Thank you so much for your instructions.
      It seem at my very weak knowledge in Enigma2, I think I am only able to extract and copy the ‘Streamlinkserver to: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/streamlink and the actual server (which is a python script) in /usr/sbin.
      But the 2nd part of placing a symbolic links is a total puzzle to me. Sadly, I do not know where and how to get these symbolic links.
      I bought this new box ‘Et7100v2’ on 21st May 2024 [total of 18 days] and not realizing it could not install any plugin because the Feed is always down for maintenance.
      Feeling very sad & disappointed
    • The three symbolic links, I had mentioned, can be created on the console (i.e. from Webif or from the windows commandline by ssh root@name_or_ip_of_your_box) by (untested)


      1. ln -s /usr/sbin/streamlinksrv /etc/rc3.d/S50streamlinksrv
      2. ln -s /usr/sbin/streamlinksrv /etc/rc4.d/S50streamlinksrv
      3. ln -s /usr/sbin/streamlinksrv /etc/init.d/streamlinksrv

      I attach contents of /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/streamlink and /usr/sbin/streamlinksrv from my Box (MIPS, HDF 6.4). However, I fear, that more is needed ...

      I am not a python programmer, however the actual server code contains a line saying # Linux Python2/3 Streamlink Daemon. This might indicate, that the python code is valid in Python 2 and in Python 3. My image was not updated since several years (or better, I reverted back, after updates that really were making functionality worse or useless. So, it you might be able to find better sources. I did not check, if there is anything box/architecture/CPU/.. dependent inside the zips.

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