Problem with mounted HDD

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    • Problem with mounted HDD


      Already the second time in the last year or so
      that my box (Optibox Evo) can not recognise my mounted HDD. It worked fine
      yesterday and today suddenly nothing. To be more precise neither my Media
      Player nor Yamp Music Player has it in their Filelist.

      Then I used Filesystem Check and I was happy to
      see that it was there as : ADATA(HDD CH94) - External (500.107 GB)

      Of course I tried filysystem checking but soon an
      error message came saying it can not make a filesystem check, because it is

      So I ran out of ideas and went to Initialisation
      and started initiating (mounting) my HDD. Of course I lost every data whic h
      was a very hard decision from me.

      But now I have my HDD back All my softwares can
      see it. The default movie location is: media/sdb1

      I have another HDD connected to my box but I did
      not mount it. It has never had any problem yet.

      Now my question:

      How can I make sure that this situation won't
      happen again?

      Why won't my box see a mounted HDD?

      One thing I noticed however. Sometimes after
      restarting the box the names of the HDDs change from media/sdb1 to media/hdd
      and back.

      How can I make sure that the path names never
      change even when I restart my box?

      Thank you for your answers in advance.went to Initialisation and started initiating (mounting) my HDD. Of course I lost every data whic h was a very hard d

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von sobodom100 ()

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