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  • RTi core 1.0.3 BETA

    DreamDVR - - Allgemeines


    RTi core 1.0.3 BETA Image based on : Enigma 2 from 04-12-2010 New kernel by the_ripper What is new: - Applied New Audio FIX - Interlace/Deinterlace FIX - Fixed 30% CPU BUG ( Better stabillity ) - Better VFD Support - Fixed System clock - Volume UP/Down fully fixed - Better overall stabillity - A lot of changes on Enigma 2 ( A/V Settings EXPERIMENTAL , Welcome wizzard ) - Fixed Multimedia ( MKV, AVI ) now OK - A lot of other small fixes and changes internally We hope that next release will be RC1…

  • RTi core 1.0.2 BETA

    DreamDVR - - Allgemeines


    What is new : - Improvements on Audio part ( syncing ) - Card reader driver support ( /dev/sci0 ) EXPERIMENTAL - Multimedia support ( Seeking OK, Play/Pause and Stop Ok, Audio sync ) - Wifi support for Premium/Premium+ - Time fix on VFD and Enigma 2 - HDMI Hotplug Fixed - Fixed problem with jumping of 2 spaces on Multimedia player - Online Software update ( drivers and python components from server ) - Password problem Fixed ( You can change password now ) Download: Quellcode (1 …

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