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  • 5.3 ist Online

    mike69 - - Allgemeines zum openHDF-Image


    I had to make a fresh install and now it works again.

  • 5.3 ist Online

    mike69 - - Allgemeines zum openHDF-Image


    After update from 172 to 181 box did´n boot up. Thanks for really great update...

  • update and plugins download

    mike69 - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    I had it before and it was the same. Maybe my Xpeed LX1 is not strong enough.

  • update and plugins download

    mike69 - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    I have v5.3 build 95 and I cannot update the image via online update. Is there any problem? I also tried to download plugin mediaplayer but I got some HTTP error from the feed... What´s wrong? Is there any good movie player which could play mp4 and mkv movies with subs?

  • user bouquets picons only

    mike69 - - Picons


    Thank you very much for your help. This plugin works fine, it has downloaded almost all picons I needed.

  • user bouquets picons only

    mike69 - - Picons


    Koivo, I am sorry I missed your previous post. Thank you for you advice. I have tested Picon Manager and it restarted my Xpeed Lx1 two times... so it´s not usable for me. I am going to try PiconsUpdater as you recommended. Thank you. I will let you know.

  • user bouquets picons only

    mike69 - - Picons


    Googgi, thank you very much. I am going to try it.

  • user bouquets picons only

    mike69 - - Picons


    Is there any possibility to choose picons only for channels in user bouquets? I use dreamboxEDIT and there is no such option.

  • And I would like to kindly ask for updated xpicons for Astra 23.5 E. Thanks in advance.

  • Hello Zamba1, would you be so kind to make Xpicons (220x132) for Canal Digital 0.8° W? Thank you in advance.

  • stream

    mike69 - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Is any possibility to watch ace stream (torrent tv) in enigma 2 box?

  • Widescreen

    mike69 - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    We don´t understand each other. Let me explain it. This problems have ONLY SD channels which are broadcasted in 4:3 format and need to be stretched to 16:9. The black bars are at the sides (left and right) not at top and bottom as it is with 16:9 broadcasting.

  • Widescreen

    mike69 - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Yes, of course. I didn´t know if anybody is interested. But I appreciate your interest very much. So in AVSwitch.pyo (in this part of config for 16:9 screen (starts at row 407) ) config.av.policy_169 = ConfigSelection(choices=policy2_choices, default='letterbox') policy_choices = {'panscan': _('Pillarbox'), 'letterbox': _('Pan&scan'), 'scale': _('Just scale')} I have changed 'scale': _('Just scale') to 'bestfit': _('Just scale') It scales 4:3 picture to 16:9 so there are not black bars at left a…

  • Widescreen

    mike69 - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Well, to finish this thread. The problem is really in AVSwitch.pyo. Changing one line solved it...

  • Widescreen

    mike69 - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Regarding the aspect ratio problem... could AVSwitch.pyo be the way how to fix it? In OpenHDF v4.1-83-20140824 it works well.

  • Widescreen

    mike69 - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Today I have installed last 4.1 version with old kernel 3.6.0 A/V setting for both 4:3 and 16:9 are set (by default) to "just scale" and everything is ok... Why new 4.2 image has a problem with this? It was working so why it doesn´t work it now? Will it be fixed?

  • Widescreen

    mike69 - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Koivo, thank you very much.

  • Widescreen

    mike69 - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Yes, it is similar. I have tried both set to "just scale" and 4:3 was "overcaled"... Image with the old kernel didn´t have this issue. I am a bit dissapointed. Please where can I find the latest image for Xpeed LX1 with the old kernel?

  • Widescreen

    mike69 - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    It is set like you are saying but the problem is still the same. Please check the screenshot.

  • Widescreen

    mike69 - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Koivo, please could you specify the exact location? I can´t find such menu. In "Setup" - "System" there is only "A/V settings" submenu in which I can set some parameters about screen. The screenshot of widescreen problem is attached.

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