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  • is this only for hdf image, or i can use on other images???? regards ps, don't need answer, I understood. sorry

  • lc-c on lx1 display

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    hi all, if you have some time to help me?? my friend and me, making some image for lx box, we made ​​it, but on lx1 display only is Lc-c, how to fix that, where is the prb, thanks regards

  • remote TV button

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Zitat von Googgi: „press power when Box and TV are on or off at the same time. :vain:“ ok thanks, i have more sat box on tv, but i sok, i'm glad to try all this, thanks again, and sorry for disturb

  • remote TV button

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Zitat von Googgi: „[GI LX] Anleitung um die LX Fernbedienung als Universale zu nutzen.“ yes, thanks i do that, but, when i pick tv or stb, and press power button , tv and stb are working, , so if i have tv on and box off, after i press power on remote, tv goes off and box goes on.. can do some with that

  • remote TV button

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    hi, can some tell me, how to use tv button on my lx2 remote, can i use that fo my tv with some code or what???? thanks

  • hbbtv crash enigma

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    sorry is my mistake, wrong version of hbbtv, sorry again

  • hbbtv crash enigma

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Kann jemand der schon hbbtv plugin bereits installiert hat mir bestätigen, denn nach der Installation von RTL HD, kommt es zu Unterbrechungen von enigma 2. Danke

  • enigma crash , image 898 hdf

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    hi, i flash today last hdf image 898, after i push web button enigma crash's, after i use et portal from plugin in image enigma crash to hier is logo form first and second time, thanks

  • blindscan crash enigma

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    thanks both of you, i'm gona wait fix, i hope it be soon thanks again

  • blindscan crash enigma

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    I use nigthly image, flashing via usb, I tray blindscan but after press scan button, my enigma crashed,,, what to do?

  • full image backup on usb

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    i'm gona backup image without picons and others plugin, only what i need on first use, later I can put picon and another plugin thanks

  • full image backup on usb

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Zitat von Googgi: „Zitat von briferboy: „168 MB is backup“ This Image is much to big for a reflashable Backup. Delete all unnecessary Plugins, Skins, Picons, etc. rootfs.bin keeps flashability via USB (Bootloader) with max. size about 115 MB.“ thanks m8,only my picons are over 48mb, thanks again

  • full image backup on usb

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Zitat von ultraschorsch: „Did you check the files on your stick after the backup? How big are the files?“ no, i dont, now i update nightly image, and i'm gona do it new backup, last backup on usb i saw 2 folder one is xpeedlx with 4 files inside, and second is fullbackup_ and inside him xpeedlx, i think if that i's ok, i can use that xpeedlx folder to do flashing in future, with all my setings inside and setup 19 minutes last time for backup.... see you soon 168 MB is backup i try to flash backu…

  • full image backup on usb

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Zitat von ultraschorsch: „You can try the HDD option with USB. Just try and press HDD instead of USB and it might work. I tried it yesterday and it seemed to work ok but I need to check the files on the stick tonight since I am at work now :)“ yes, i put formatet usb and choise hdd backup, i'ts work, thanks m8...

  • full image backup on usb

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Zitat von ultraschorsch: „That's easy. First you format your USB stick in FAT32. After that you put an empty txt file on that stick named backupstick.txt. Then you plug it into your box and press menu on your remote. In the menu you choose Configuration and after that Software. In the next menu you select Backup Image and press OK. Next you can choose where to store your backup. You press the green button for USB and then you have to wait a while but then it should be done.“ I try that, but not …

  • full image backup on usb

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    hi again, how to do full image backup on usb ? thanks

  • web browser image flash

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Zitat von Googgi: „with USB if you flash HDF complete new. Or online if have HDF preinstalled in this case read: [E2 Allgemein] HDF-Images online flashen“ thanks, i already doing flash with usb, i using online update nightly image.... thanks for answer.. regards

  • web browser image flash

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Zitat von Googgi: „Please in english - translate in german is very bad!“ I want to now, can i flash image in this box like i do on dreambox, with web browser, or only possibility is with usb ...

  • web browser image flash

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Sie können Einsetzen der Dreambox STB durchzuführen, über einen Web-Browser

  • Image Lx2

    briferboy - - XPEED LX1 und LX2


    Ich hatte das gleiche Problem, ist dieses Problem nun gelöst mit Booten verzeihen Sie das schlechtes Deutsch, ich benutze Google Translator danke

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