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  • Koivo, Thank's for your time, and explanation! Now it's clear to me! Again thank's!

  • Koivo, 1 at The masterbox whit HDF there's no problem. The selected channel on The masterbox is saved, and stay that whay. 2 i also checked it out now, on the masterbox HDF and on the ip box ATV it looke like the same problem, the selected channel (on the ip box) is not saved. Why is It on the Masterbox working perfect, but not on the IP box??

  • Yes indeed, also. But its also voor Subtitle for when you watching, you can try that out also for German channels, if you do this you shall see that you can chose for German subtitle. This is also the only menu where you can choose MPEG NAR ON/OFF? This way where coming back to my question in first place.

  • Now see picture, from the menu setting (also from me in the mirror 8o) when watching a channel for example Sky uk Drama rom. Standard its selected on MPEG NAR, that means there is a voice ho's telling what is happening in (some) movies, when you don't want that you have to select the choice below "MPEG SUBTITLE SKYDRAMA ROM..." then this irritating voice is gone. In ip box is it every time nessesary to to this again. In master/server it is only one time doing this setting (chosing the MPEG SUBTI…

  • I do that, how can i send de picture? I don't a button for uploading a picture. No de master box Giga Blue quad plus with also HDF has no problem with that, it works perfect. One time the settings are installed, then it stays that way, whatever happens, so that's okay.

  • Maybe you someone from this forum who can receive the 28 satelite then for example Sky (uk) Triller and then test it ore explane what is happening? I don't now wat to explane further.

  • Yes that is wat y mean. I can't find any movie channel from Sky Uk on the 13 ore 19 i lookt also on King of sat. I don't no how to subcribe it more then i already did. If you want i can make a foto off my tv screen so you can see what settings i mean/its about?

  • Don't have to say sorry Yesterday i lookt for some German channels whit the same possible setting "MPEG NAR" till now i see only MPEG NAR at Sky Uk channels. To night i have more time en gonna look again. You have German channels in english language? what channels are they? so i can'try it out on that channels...

  • Yesterday i tried all again, flash the box with the latest version HDF 5.5 Used also remotechannelstreamconverter. I't won't work better, problem stays the same, every sky uk channel you have to set manual the MPEG NAR off, en next time you have to do'it again. I installed OPENATV, set manual one time MPEG NAR off en it stays off. Too bad this beautiful image has such a disadvantage!

  • Yes i have the channels from remote Box loaded in de normal channellist after import with the remotechannelstreamconverter it's almost automaticily happen this way. I've loaded the remotechannelstreamconverter, then i'am typing the ip adress from the master/server box, then chose what list to download. and start downloading the lists. With other images it's working alwrite, also MPEG NAR, but you can chose an other subtitle version one time. I dont now if in Germany there's also an MPEG NAR Poss…

  • Indeed, i use; enigma2-plugin-extensions-remotechannelstreamconverter plugin? Also tryed partnerbox en a few others. I did not notice a different but i can try that again.

  • Okay, That's wath i didnt now! Yesterday ive tryed every possibility in the menu, i can't get it the way i want (just one time chose) end remeber the setting. I'm looking a lot at Sky Uk so it's still a problem. I think, i'm going to another image for this, really a waste of this super image what i like a lot! Thank god it's working well on the Quad Plus!

  • Hello Koivo, That is less fine from HDF!? With other images it is not a problem to set this at ones! but i like the HDF Image much more. And it's stranges (in my eyes) that on the masterbox Gigablue quad HD plus, also with HDF, and receiving all the signal/stream from the dish, it's not a problem. I have set all the channels once MPEG NAR off en it's done for ever. I almost think that more people has the same problem when they look at Sky UK channels.

  • Hello Koivo, How can i change the settings you discribe? "You receive only the mpeg ts complete stream from remote box. In this case you must deactive/activate it every time" I lookt every where in the menu, but can't find it? Indeed, my IP Box is the only one who's straeming with the "masterbox".

  • Hello Koivo, Yes you understand it right! Downstairs i have a Gigablue quad plus also with HDF 5.5 . So what do i have to do now?

  • i'm going to try that with changing the audio language first. @Koivo, what i mean with MPEG NAR is that english movies on uk sky with MPEG NAR get an extra voice from someone telling what is happening in the movie. If i choose the MPEG SUBTITLE then the voice is gone, but next time when i'm back from an other channel then i have to do the same thing again.

  • Hallo alle, *ich habe ein Gigablue IP-Box mit HDF, (auch auf meinem Quad plus) würde ich gerne wissen, warum ich bei jeder Sender wieder aus dem MPEG NAR? Diese Einstellung ist nur verfügbar in einem X? Oder warum diese Einstellung wird nicht gespeichert? *Hello, I have a Gigablue IP Box with HDF. Why should I attach to each English television channel the MPEG NAR off? This may not always be switched out for at once?

  • Error logfile

    toppie71 - - VU+ Duo


    Hallo Koivo, ich habe es gemacht! Wieder geflasht mit bildnr 850, meine Vu+Duo is wieder gans gut no. Ich dacht ich habe jetst der nueste bildnr. abe das war nicht. Das HdF is eine sere sjuene Image, viel male besser dan PLI und Vix. Viele dank, grutche Toppie71

  • Error logfile

    toppie71 - - VU+ Duo


    Hallo, ich kom aus holland und ich habe das letste HDF Image 14-02-2014 Nichtly bild auf meine VU+DUO. Ich hab ein problem wen ich an der EPG oder Info knopfe drucken es gibst ein error, und mijn entfenger gehein wieder starten. Es giebt immer wieder. Ich haber ein altere HDF Image dar keine problem. Ich habe dese log gefunden: im Attachements. Ich habe mijne entfenger wieder nue geflasht aber das selbe problem is dare. Was kan ich toen?? Entshilldiging vor meine deutsche Schreiben (sprache augh…

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