openHDF Enigma2 crash log crashdate=Mi Mai 8 22:52:13 2024 compiledate=Apr 30 2024 skin=XionHDF/skin.xml sourcedate=2024-04-30 branch=7.3 rev=f7eb2ad component=Enigma2 stbmodel=multibox stbmodel=multibox kernelcmdline=root=/dev/mmcblk0p23 rootsubdir=linuxrootfs3 rootfstype=ext4 kernel=/dev/mmcblk0p21 console=ttyAMA0,115200 blkdevparts=mmcblk0:1M(fastboot),1M(bootargs),18M(recovery),2M(bootoptions),2M(deviceinfo),4M(baseparam),4M(pqparam),4M(logo),40M(fastplay),20M(kernel),20M(trustedcore),4M(misc),1024M(system),200M(vendor),256M(dvb),256M(cache),50M(private),8M(securestore),16M(linuxkernel1),16M(linuxkernel2),16M(linuxkernel3),16M(linuxkernel4),-(userdata) hbcomp=/dev/block/mmcblk0p13 mem=1G mmz=ddr,0,0,48M vmalloc=500M nimsockets=NIM Socket 0: imageversion=7.3 imageissue=build 79 emux4 22:28:20.7247 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:20.7247 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:20.7248 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:20.7248 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:20.7249 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:20.7249 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:20.7250 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:20.7250 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:20.7251 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:20.7252 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] ok ... now we start!! 22:28:20.7252 [eEPGChannelData] next update in 48 min 22:28:20.7253 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:20.7253 [eDVBSectionReader] DMX_SET_FILTER pid=0 22:28:20.7482 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:20.7484 [eDVBSectionReader] DMX_SET_FILTER pid=18 22:28:20.7556 [eDVBServicePlay] timeshift 22:28:20.8678 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:28:21.6474 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] PATready 22:28:21.6477 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] PAT TSID: 0x03fb (1019) 22:28:21.6477 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] use pmtpid 13ec for service_id 283d 22:28:21.6478 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:21.6480 [eDVBSectionReader] DMX_SET_FILTER pid=5100 22:28:21.6483 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:21.6484 [eDVBSectionReader] DMX_SET_FILTER pid=0 22:28:22.1505 [eDVBServicePlay] eventNewProgramInfo timeshift_enabled=0 timeshift_active=0 22:28:22.1510 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:22.1512 [eDVBSectionReader] DMX_SET_FILTER pid=1170 22:28:22.1517 [eDVBServicePlay] have 1 video stream(s) (13ed), and 4 audio stream(s) (13ee, 13ef, 13f3, 13f2), and the pcr pid is 13ed, and the text pid is 13f0 22:28:22.1548 [eDVBServicePlay] Setting audio delay: setAC3Delay, 0 + 0 22:28:22.1551 [eDVBServicePlay] Setting audio delay: setPCMDelay, 0 + 0 22:28:22.1552 [eTSMPEGDecoder] decoder state: play, vpid=13ed, apid=13ee 22:28:22.1553 [eDVBAudio0] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER pid=0x13ee ok22:28:22.1554 [eDVBAudio0] DEMUX_START ok22:28:22.1555 [eDVBAudio0] AUDIO_SET_BYPASS bypass=1 ok22:28:22.1555 [eDVBAudio0] AUDIO_PAUSE ok22:28:22.1556 [eDVBAudio0] AUDIO_PLAY ok22:28:22.1557 [eDVBVideo] Video Device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/video0 22:28:22.1558 [eDVBVideo] demux device: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:22.1558 [eDVBVideo0] VIDEO_SET_STREAMTYPE 1 - ok22:28:22.1559 [eDVBVideo0] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER pid=0x13ed ok22:28:22.1559 [eDVBVideo0] DEMUX_START ok22:28:22.1560 [eDVBVideo0] VIDEO_FREEZE ok22:28:22.1561 [eDVBVideo0] VIDEO_PLAY ok22:28:22.1563 [eDVBText0] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER pid=0x13f0 ok22:28:22.1563 [eDVBText0] DEMUX_START ok22:28:22.1586 [eDVBVideo0] VIDEO_SLOWMOTION 0 ok22:28:22.1588 [eDVBVideo0] VIDEO_FAST_FORWARD 0 ok22:28:22.1589 [eDVBVideo0] VIDEO_CONTINUE ok22:28:22.1589 [eDVBAudio0] AUDIO_CONTINUE ok22:28:22.1590 [eDVBTeletextParser] Starting! 22:28:22.1590 [eDVBTeletextParser] disable teletext subtitles page ffffffffffffffff (und) 22:28:22.1591 [eDVBPESReader] Created. Opening demux 22:28:22.1592 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:22.1594 [eDVBTeletextParser] created teletext subtitle PES reader! 22:28:22.1595 [eDVBPESReader] Created. Opening demux 22:28:22.1595 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:22.1597 [eDVBTeletextParser] starting PES reader on pid=13f0 22:28:22.1597 [eDVBPESReader] DMX_SET_PES_FILTER pid=13f0 22:28:22.1620 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:22.1622 [eDVBSectionReader] DMX_SET_FILTER pid=1170 22:28:22.1822 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:22.1823 [eDVBSectionReader] DMX_SET_FILTER pid=5100 22:28:22.8766 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:22.8767 [eDVBSectionReader] DMX_SET_FILTER pid=18 22:28:22.9716 [eDVBVideo0] VIDEO_GET_EVENT PROGRESSIVE_CHANGED 1 22:28:23.1780 [eDVBServicePlay] timeshift 22:28:23.2333 [eDVBVideo0] VIDEO_GET_EVENT SIZE_CHANGED 1280x720 aspect 3 22:28:23.2392 [eDVBVideo0] VIDEO_GET_EVENT FRAME_RATE_CHANGED 50000 fps 22:28:23.2394 [eDVBVideo0] VIDEO_GET_EVENT GAMMA_CHANGED 0 22:28:23.9990 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] AITready 22:28:23.9992 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] Section Length : 944, Total Section Length : 947 22:28:23.9993 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] found applicaions ids >> pid : b66882c8, orgid : 19, appid : 1 22:28:23.9994 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] Save Data Len : [947] 22:28:23.9994 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:23.9995 [eDVBSectionReader] DMX_SET_FILTER pid=5172 22:28:23.9998 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] found applicaions ids >> pid : b66882c8, orgid : 19, appid : 2 22:28:23.9998 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] found applicaions ids >> pid : b66882c8, orgid : 19, appid : 4 22:28:24.0005 [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux4 22:28:24.0006 [eDVBSectionReader] DMX_SET_FILTER pid=5172 22:28:24.0009 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] found applicaions ids >> pid : b66882c8, orgid : 19, appid : 5 22:28:24.0009 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] found applicaions ids >> pid : b66882c8, orgid : 19, appid : 20 22:28:24.0009 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] found applicaions ids >> pid : b66882c8, orgid : 19, appid : 3 22:28:24.0010 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] found applicaions ids >> pid : b66882c8, orgid : 19, appid : 39 22:28:24.0010 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] found applicaions ids >> pid : b66882c8, orgid : 19, appid : 157 22:28:24.0010 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] found applicaions ids >> pid : b66882c8, orgid : 19, appid : 222 22:28:24.0010 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] found applicaions ids >> pid : b66882c8, orgid : 19, appid : 228 22:28:24.0011 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] Found : control[1], name[HBBTV-Start-DSMCC+Web], url[] 22:28:24.0011 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] Found : control[2], name[EPG], url[] 22:28:24.0011 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] Found : control[2], name[VTX-Mandant-ARD-Text-Web+DSMCC], url[] 22:28:24.0011 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] Found : control[2], name[Tagesschau], url[] 22:28:24.0011 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] Found : control[2], name[Mediathek DasErste], url[] 22:28:24.0012 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] Found : control[2], name[HBBTV ARD-Mediathek], url[] 22:28:24.0012 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] Found : control[2], name[Sportschau], url[] 22:28:24.0012 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] Found : control[2], name[KiKA-Player ARD], url[] 22:28:24.0012 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] Found : control[2], name[Teaser Test App], url[] 22:28:24.0012 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] Found : control[2], name[ARD Audiothek], url[] 22:28:25.5539 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:28:25.7258 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:28:33.7013 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:28:33.8732 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:28:34.7341 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:28:34.7363 [eDVBServicePlay] timeshift 22:28:34.9060 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:28:36.4973 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:28:36.6693 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:28:44.0011 [eDVBServicePMTHandler] OCready 22:29:05.3784 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1 22:29:05.5503 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1 22:29:26.1688 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 8b 1 22:29:26.3407 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 8b 1 22:29:29.0499 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 67 1 22:29:29.2218 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 67 1 22:29:29.4513 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 67 1 22:29:29.6232 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 67 1 22:29:29.8488 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:30.0205 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:30.9762 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 67 1 22:29:31.1480 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 67 1 22:29:32.3192 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 67 1 22:29:32.4911 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 67 1 22:29:32.7400 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:32.9119 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:33.7591 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:29:33.9310 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:29:34.1611 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:34.3330 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:35.5213 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:29:35.6932 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:29:35.9185 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:36.0903 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:37.3447 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:37.5167 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:37.8608 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:29:38.0326 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:29:38.2534 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:38.4254 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:39.0764 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:39.2483 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:39.6796 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:39.8515 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:40.3004 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:29:40.3016 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:29:40.8676 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:41.0395 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:41.5120 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:29:41.5139 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:29:41.9804 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:42.1522 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:44.5734 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 190 1 22:29:44.8530 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 190 1 22:29:45.9204 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:46.0923 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:48.8843 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:49.0562 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:51.2096 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 18e 1 22:29:51.3815 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 18e 1 22:29:52.4365 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:52.6084 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:53.0319 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:29:53.0332 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:29:53.2899 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:53.4618 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:53.9339 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:29:53.9359 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:29:54.1924 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:54.3643 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:55.0480 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:55.2199 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:55.8075 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:55.9794 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:56.2812 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:29:56.4531 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:29:56.7933 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:56.9651 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:29:57.2674 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:29:57.4392 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:29:57.6888 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:29:57.8607 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:30:02.1883 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 190 1 22:30:02.4680 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 190 1 22:30:03.2415 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:30:03.4133 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:30:05.3009 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:30:05.6884 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:30:07.0337 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1 22:30:07.2056 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1 22:30:07.5347 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1 22:30:07.7066 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1 22:30:08.0221 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1 22:30:08.1940 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1 22:30:09.4195 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:30:09.5914 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:30:13.5369 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1 22:30:13.7088 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1 22:30:15.2637 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 67 1 22:30:15.4356 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 67 1 22:30:15.7311 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:30:15.9030 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:30:21.6799 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:30:23.3723 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:30:27.8962 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:30:28.0681 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:30:28.4058 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:30:28.5777 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:31:21.2613 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:23.4166 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:33:23.5885 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:33:25.2574 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:33:27.0957 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:33:27.0960 [eDVBPESReader] ERROR reading PES (fd=85): Function not implemented 22:33:31.3796 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1 22:33:31.3838 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1 22:33:35.9252 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6a 1 22:33:36.0971 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6a 1 22:33:36.5548 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:33:37.5815 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:33:40.7848 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1 22:33:40.9567 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1 22:33:42.9573 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1 22:33:43.1291 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1 22:33:44.6001 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1 22:33:44.7720 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1 22:33:45.5612 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1 22:33:45.7331 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1 22:33:47.9406 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:33:48.1125 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:33:48.5234 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:33:48.6953 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:33:49.2116 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:33:49.3835 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:33:49.5905 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:33:49.7625 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:33:50.1559 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:33:50.3278 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:33:50.4773 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:33:50.6492 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:33:50.8132 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:33:50.9851 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:33:51.2737 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:33:51.2802 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:51.2970 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:51.3255 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:51.3515 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:51.3819 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:51.4038 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:51.4217 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:51.4415 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:51.4664 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:51.5267 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:33:51.5285 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:51.5453 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:51.5634 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:51.5787 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:51.5994 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:51.6148 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:51.6354 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:51.6516 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:33:52.6032 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 67 1 22:33:52.7751 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 67 1 22:33:52.8999 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 67 1 22:33:53.0717 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 67 1 22:36:22.7464 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:37:41.1988 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting sdparm 22:40:38.2300 [eDVBChannel] no cue sheet. forcing normal play 22:41:25.6263 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:43:32.7896 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1 22:43:32.7917 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:43:32.9615 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1 22:43:33.5084 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1 22:43:33.6804 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1 22:43:34.6736 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:43:34.8456 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:43:35.0812 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:43:35.2531 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:43:35.9814 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:43:36.1532 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:43:36.5269 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:43:36.6987 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:43:37.0383 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:43:37.0418 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:43:37.2457 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:43:37.4176 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:43:37.7297 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:43:37.9017 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:46:27.2339 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:51:26.4926 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:51:26.6645 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:51:26.9379 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:51:27.1098 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:51:29.3025 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6a 1 22:51:29.4744 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6a 1 22:51:29.9293 [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh 22:51:31.4013 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:51:31.5732 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:51:35.1375 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:51:35.3094 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:51:36.4269 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:51:36.5988 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:51:36.8302 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:51:37.0020 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:51:46.6203 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 ae 1 22:51:46.7922 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 ae 1 22:51:51.0937 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:51:51.2656 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:51:51.7197 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:51:51.8916 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:51:52.2232 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:51:53.1757 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 160 1 22:51:56.7078 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:51:56.8797 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:51:57.1295 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 6c 1 22:51:57.3014 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 0 6c 1 22:52:12.5757 [eRCDeviceInputDev] 1 160 1 22:52:13.5034 [ePyObject] (CallObject(>,('WizardActions', 'ok')) failed) dmesg <6>clocksource: hisp804: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 79635851949 ns <6>sched_clock: 32 bits at 24MHz, resolution 41ns, wraps every 89478484971ns <6>Console: colour dummy device 80x30 <6>Calibrating delay loop... 3170.30 BogoMIPS (lpj=1585152) <6>pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 <6>Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) <6>Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) <6>CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok <6>ftrace: allocating 26561 entries in 78 pages <6>CPU0: update cpu_capacity 1024 <6>CPU0: thread -1, cpu 0, socket 0, mpidr 80000000 <6>Setting up static identity map for 0x8280 - 0x82d8 <4>CPU: hi3798mv200 <7>CPU1: powerup <6>CPU1: update cpu_capacity 1024 <6>CPU1: thread -1, cpu 1, socket 0, mpidr 80000001 <7>CPU2: powerup <6>CPU2: update cpu_capacity 1024 <6>CPU2: thread -1, cpu 2, socket 0, mpidr 80000002 <7>CPU3: powerup <6>CPU3: update cpu_capacity 1024 <6>CPU3: thread -1, cpu 3, socket 0, mpidr 80000003 <6>Brought up 4 CPUs <6>SMP: Total of 4 processors activated (12681.21 BogoMIPS). <6>CPU: All CPU(s) started in SVC mode. <6>CPU3: update max cpu_capacity 1024 <6>devtmpfs: initialized <6>VFP support v0.3: implementor 41 architecture 3 part 40 variant 3 rev 4 <6>clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 1911260446275000 ns <4>PCIe read alloc area phyaddr 08 size 00000000 <4>PCIe write alloc area phyaddr 08 size 00000000 <6>NET: Registered protocol family 16 <6>DMA: preallocated 256 KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations <6>CPU2: update max cpu_capacity 1024 <6>hw-breakpoint: found 5 (+1 reserved) breakpoint and 4 watchpoint registers. <6>hw-breakpoint: maximum watchpoint size is 8 bytes. <6>Serial: AMBA PL011 UART driver <6>f8b00000.uart: ttyAMA0 at MMIO 0xf8b00000 (irq = 25, base_baud = 0) is a PL011 rev2 <6>console [ttyAMA0] enabled <6>f8b02000.uart: ttyAMA1 at MMIO 0xf8b02000 (irq = 26, base_baud = 0) is a PL011 rev2 <6>f8b03000.uart: ttyAMA2 at MMIO 0xf8b03000 (irq = 27, base_baud = 0) is a PL011 rev2 <6>pl061_gpio f8b20000.gpio0: PL061 GPIO chip @0xf8b20000 registered <6>pl061_gpio f8b21000.gpio1: PL061 GPIO chip @0xf8b21000 registered <6>pl061_gpio f8b22000.gpio2: PL061 GPIO chip @0xf8b22000 registered <6>pl061_gpio f8b23000.gpio3: PL061 GPIO chip @0xf8b23000 registered <6>pl061_gpio f8b24000.gpio4: PL061 GPIO chip @0xf8b24000 registered <6>pl061_gpio f8004000.gpio5: PL061 GPIO chip @0xf8004000 registered <6>pl061_gpio f8b26000.gpio6: PL061 GPIO chip @0xf8b26000 registered <6>pl061_gpio f8b27000.gpio7: PL061 GPIO chip @0xf8b27000 registered <6>pl061_gpio f8b28000.gpio8: PL061 GPIO chip @0xf8b28000 registered <6>pl061_gpio f8b29000.gpio9: PL061 GPIO chip @0xf8b29000 registered <4>hisilicon-pcie: probe of f0001000.pcie failed with error -1 <6>hisi_iommu_ptable_addr:phy 0x1e800000 size:0x400000 <6>hisi_iommu_err_rdaddr :phy 0x1f779600 size:0x200 <6>hisi_iommu_err_wraddr :phy 0x1f779800 size:0x200 <6>in hisi_iommu_domain_init start <6>in hisi_iommu_domain_init end <6>vgaarb: loaded <5>SCSI subsystem initialized <7>libata version 3.00 loaded. <6>ssp-pl022 f8b1a000.spi: ARM PL022 driver, device ID: 0x00041022 <6>ssp-pl022 f8b1a000.spi: mapped registers from 0xf8b1a000 to f9b1a000 <6>spi_master spi0: will run message pump with realtime priority <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver hub <6>usbcore: registered new device driver usb <6>media: Linux media interface: v0.10 <6>Linux video capture interface: v2.00 <6>Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Initialized. <6>clocksource: Switched to clocksource hisp804 <5>FS-Cache: Loaded <6>NET: Registered protocol family 2 <6>TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) <6>TCP bind hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) <6>TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 4096) <6>UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) <6>UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) <6>NET: Registered protocol family 1 <6>RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module. <6>RPC: Registered udp transport module. <6>RPC: Registered tcp transport module. <6>RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module. <7>PCI: CLS 0 bytes, default 64 <6>NetWinder Floating Point Emulator V0.97 (double precision) <6>hw perfevents: enabled with armv7_cortex_a17 PMU driver, 7 counters available <6>futex hash table entries: 1024 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) <5>VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.6.0 <6>VFS: Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes) <6>squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher <5>NFS: Registering the id_resolver key type <5>Key type id_resolver registered <5>Key type id_legacy registered <6>nfs4filelayout_init: NFSv4 File Layout Driver Registering... <6>Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996 <5>FS-Cache: Netfs 'cifs' registered for caching <6>jffs2: version 2.2. (NAND) © 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc. <6>fuse init (API version 7.23) <7>yaffs: yaffs built Installing. <6>bounce: pool size: 64 pages <6>Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 252) <6>io scheduler noop registered <6>io scheduler deadline registered (default) <6>io scheduler cfq registered <6>hiahci-phy: registered new sata phy driver <6>brd: module loaded <6>loop: module loaded <4>ahci: probe of f9900000.hiahci failed with error -1 <6>hifmc100: registerd new interface driver hifmc100. <5>hifmc100: Found flash memory controller hifmc100. <6>hifmc100: no found spi-nor device. <6>hifmc100: no found nand device. <6>hifmc100: no found spi-nand device. <6>FEPHY:addr=2, la_am=0xe, ldo_am=0x4, r_tuning=0x16 <6>libphy: himii: probed <6>hi_eth: attached port 0 PHY 2 to driver HiSilicon Festa v330 <6>/soc/ethernet@f9840000/ethernet_phy@0 has invalid PHY address=255 <6>ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver <6>ehci-pci: EHCI PCI platform driver <6>ehci-platform: EHCI generic platform driver <6>ehci-platform f9890000.ehci: EHCI Host Controller <6>ehci-platform f9890000.ehci: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 <6>ehci-platform f9890000.ehci: irq 34, io mem 0xf9890000 <6>ehci-platform f9890000.ehci: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00 <6>hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected <6>ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver <6>ohci-pci: OHCI PCI platform driver <6>ohci-platform: OHCI generic platform driver <6>ohci-platform f9880000.ohci: Generic Platform OHCI controller <6>ohci-platform f9880000.ohci: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2 <6>ohci-platform f9880000.ohci: irq 35, io mem 0xf9880000 <6>hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected <6>xhci-hcd f98a0000.xhci: xHCI Host Controller <6>xhci-hcd f98a0000.xhci: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 3 <6>xhci-hcd f98a0000.xhci: hcc params 0x0220f06c hci version 0x100 quirks 0x00030010 <6>xhci-hcd f98a0000.xhci: irq 37, io mem 0xf98a0000 <6>hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 3-0:1.0: 1 port detected <6>xhci-hcd f98a0000.xhci: xHCI Host Controller <6>xhci-hcd f98a0000.xhci: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 4 <6>usb usb4: We don't know the algorithms for LPM for this host, disabling LPM. <6>hub 4-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 4-0:1.0: 1 port detected <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage <6>mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver xpad <6>i2c /dev entries driver <6>IR NEC protocol handler initialized <6>IR RC5(x/sz) protocol handler initialized <6>IR RC6 protocol handler initialized <6>IR JVC protocol handler initialized <6>IR Sony protocol handler initialized <6>IR SANYO protocol handler initialized <6>IR Sharp protocol handler initialized <6>IR MCE Keyboard/mouse protocol handler initialized <6>IR XMP protocol handler initialized <6>sp805-wdt f8a2c000.watchdog: registration successful <4>registered new interface driver himciV2.0_4.4.35_20170401 <6>usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci-platform <6>mmc0: MAN_BKOPS_EN bit is not set <4>scan edges:2 p2f:6 f2p:1 <4>mix set temp-phase 3 <4>scan elemnts: startp:14 endp:144 <5>Tuning SampleClock. mix set phase:[04/07] ele:[07/18] <6>mmc0: new HS400 MMC card at address 0001 <6>mmcblk0: mmc0:0001 8GTF4R 7.28 GiB <6>mmcblk0boot0: mmc0:0001 8GTF4R partition 1 4.00 MiB <6>mmcblk0boot1: mmc0:0001 8GTF4R partition 2 4.00 MiB <6>mmcblk0rpmb: mmc0:0001 8GTF4R partition 3 512 KiB <6> mmcblk0: p1(fastboot) p2(bootargs) p3(recovery) p4(bootoptions) p5(deviceinfo) p6(baseparam) p7(pqparam) p8(logo) p9(fastplay) p10(kernel) p11(trustedcore) p12(misc) p13(system) p14(vendor) p15(dvb) p16(cache) p17(private) p18(securestore) p19(linuxkernel1) p20(linuxkernel2) p21(linuxkernel3) p22(linuxkernel4) p23(userdata) <6>usb 2-2: new full-speed USB device number 2 using ohci-platform <5>f9c40000.himciv200.SD: eMMC/MMC/SD Device NOT detected! <4>scan edges:3 p2f:1 f2p:4 <4>mix set temp-phase 6 <4>scan elemnts: startp:40 endp:36 <5>Tuning SampleClock. mix set phase:[07/07] ele:[02/12] <6>mmc1: new ultra high speed SDR104 SDXC card at address 0001 <6>mmcblk1: mmc1:0001 ASTC 116 GiB <6> mmcblk1: p1 <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid <6>usbhid: USB HID core driver <6>ashmem: initialized <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver snd-usb-audio <6>oprofile: using timer interrupt. <6>Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30. <6>nfnl_acct: registering with nfnetlink. <6>wireguard: WireGuard 1.0.20220627 loaded. See for information. <6>wireguard: Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Jason A. Donenfeld . All Rights Reserved. <6>ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team <6>arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller <6>NET: Registered protocol family 10 <6>NET: Registered protocol family 17 <5>Key type dns_resolver registered <5>Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler <6>ALSA device list: <6> No soundcards found. <6>Freeing unused kernel memory: 560K (c0ab2000 - c0b3e000) <4>This architecture does not have kernel memory protection. <4>EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p23): warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended <6>EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p23): recovery complete <6>EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p23): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null) <4>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck. <6>EXT4-fs (mmcblk1p1): recovery complete <6>EXT4-fs (mmcblk1p1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null) <5>random: nonblocking pool is initialized <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver tpm <6>hisi-sndcard hisi-sndcard: aiao-hifi <-> hisi-i2s mapping ok <6>input: dreambox advanced remote control (native) as /devices/virtual/input/input1 <6>input: rc mouse emulation as /devices/virtual/input/input2 <6>DVB: registering new adapter (dvb0) <6>i2c i2c-1: dvb: found AVL6862 family_id=0x68624955 <6>i2c i2c-1: Load avl6862 firmware patch for DVB-S/S2 size=44000 <6>i2c i2c-1: avl6862 patch ver 2.0 build 20621 <6>i2c i2c-1: dvb: Rafael R848 successfully attached! <6>platform dvb0.0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Availink avl6862)... <4>Mali: Mali device driver loaded <4>tntfs: module license 'Commercial. For support email' taints kernel. <4>Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint <6>Tuxera NTFS driver 3017.7.4.6 [Flags: R/W MODULE]. <6>Built against headers 4.4.35_hi3798mv2x #1 SMP Tue Dec 12 14:16:24 CST 2017 arm <6>Running on kernel 4.4.35 #1 SMP Wed Jun 29 13:36:49 UTC 2022 armv7l <2>WARNING: Running kernel does not match configured kernel headers the driver was built with! The driver needs to be rebuilt with the correct kernel headers! <6>SGI XFS with ACLs, security attributes, realtime, no debug enabled <6>EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p23): re-mounted. Opts: data=ordered <6>usb 1-1: reset high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci-platform <6>ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00_set_rt: Info - RT chipset 5390, rev 0502 detected <6>ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00_set_rf: Info - RF chipset 5370 detected <7>ieee80211 phy0: Selected rate control algorithm 'minstrel_ht' <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver rt2800usb <6>IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready <6>ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Loading firmware file 'rt2870.bin' <6>ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00lib_request_firmware: Info - Firmware detected - version: 0.29 <6>IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready <6>wlan0: authenticate with 24:65:11:ff:9c:80 <6>wlan0: send auth to 24:65:11:ff:9c:80 (try 1/3) <6>wlan0: authenticated <6>wlan0: associate with 24:65:11:ff:9c:80 (try 1/3) <6>wlan0: RX AssocResp from 24:65:11:ff:9c:80 (capab=0x431 status=0 aid=1) <6>wlan0: associated <6>IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready <6>i2c i2c-1: Load avl6862 firmware patch for DVB-C size=48320 <6>i2c i2c-1: avl6862 patch ver 2.0 build 22219 <6>i2c i2c-1: Load avl6862 firmware patch for DVB-T/T2 size=65048 <6>i2c i2c-1: avl6862 patch ver 2.0 build 20544 <6>i2c i2c-1: Load avl6862 firmware patch for DVB-S/S2 size=44000 <6>i2c i2c-1: avl6862 patch ver 2.0 build 20621 <4>UDF-fs: warning (device mmcblk0p1): udf_fill_super: No partition found (2) <4>UDF-fs: warning (device mmcblk0p1): udf_fill_super: No partition found (2) <6>yaffs: dev is 187695105 name is "mmcblk0p1" rw <6>yaffs: passed flags "" <7>yaffs: yaffs: Attempting MTD mount of 179.1,"mmcblk0p1" <7>yaffs: yaffs: MTD device 1 either not valid or unavailable <6>yaffs: dev is 187695105 name is "mmcblk0p1" rw <6>yaffs: passed flags "" <7>yaffs: yaffs: Attempting MTD mount of 179.1,"mmcblk0p1" <7>yaffs: yaffs: MTD device 1 either not valid or unavailable <6>tntfs info (device mmcblk0p1, pid 2382): ntfs_fill_super(): fail_safe is enabled. <4>UDF-fs: warning (device mmcblk0p3): udf_fill_super: No partition found (2) <4>UDF-fs: warning (device mmcblk0p3): udf_fill_super: No partition found (2) <6>yaffs: dev is 187695107 name is "mmcblk0p3" rw <6>yaffs: passed flags "" <7>yaffs: yaffs: Attempting MTD mount of 179.3,"mmcblk0p3" <7>yaffs: yaffs: MTD device 3 either not valid or unavailable <6>yaffs: dev is 187695107 name is "mmcblk0p3" rw <6>yaffs: passed flags "" <7>yaffs: yaffs: Attempting MTD mount of 179.3,"mmcblk0p3" <7>yaffs: yaffs: MTD device 3 either not valid or unavailable <6>tntfs info (device mmcblk0p3, pid 2423): ntfs_fill_super(): fail_safe is enabled. <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): Filesystem has been set read-only <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs (mmcblk0p4): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x00000001) <3>FAT-fs 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